If you engage in online file sharing, you could soon be the recipient of a stern warning! The new Copyright Alert System is a collaboration between Internet Service Providers and content owners. Content owners search file sharing sites for infringing content and then notify the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) when they find infringing content. The ISP, in turn, sends the infringing user a warning. Harmless so far. But get six such warnings and providers will take actions–or “mitigation measures”– such as throttling you internet speed. Wrongly accused? Worry not! For $35 you can appeal the decision (reimbursed if you prevail). So read this AP article while you still have that lightning-fast internet speed and watch this video that explains it all. Happy (legal) browsing!
Copyright & the Internet Symposium
March 20, 2008--Yesterday, PIPG hosted notable scholars, practitioners, and policy advocates at its inaugural symposium, entitled “Copyright & the Internet: Solutions for a Digital World.” The discussion focused on the entertainment industry's ability to respond to challenges posed by mass copyright infringement on the Internet, the use of filters, and what role, if any, the government should play in protecting copyrighted works.
In the upcoming days, we will post commentary and pictures from the event. The full schedule was as follows:
Panel 1: “Industry Response to User-Generated Content: Cooperation or Litigation?”
Moderator: Prof. Gideon Parchomovsky
• Michael Carroll, Professor of Law, Villanova School of Law
• Lance Koonce, Partner, Davis Wright Tremaine
• Stanley Pierre-Louis, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, IP and Content Protection, Viacom
• Kevin Werbach, Assistant Professor of Legal Studies, Wharton
Featured presentations
• Kevin Kuzas, VP and General Counsel, Comcast Interactive Media
"Challenges in Internet Video"
• William Patry, Senior Copyright Counsel, Google Inc.
"Internet Metaphors and Why We Need to Lose Them"
Panel 2: “Can Copyright and the First Amendment be Reconciled in the Internet Age? Filtering, Takedown Notices, & the Role of Fair Use”
Moderator: Prof. R. Polk Wagner
• Kathleen Carignan, Director, Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
• Gregory Marchwinski, CEO, Red Lambda
• Jennifer Pariser, Executive Vice President, Sony/BMG
• David Sohn, Senior Policy Counsel and Director, Project on IP and Technology, Center for Democracy & Technology
• Robert Terrell, LAW ’86, Associate General Counsel, UPenn
Panel 3: “Government Involvement in Copyright Regulation: Discussing the U.S. Role in Monitoring IP Infringement Online”
Moderator: Prof. Christopher Yoo
• Sigal Mandelker, LAW '00, Deputy Asst. Attorney General, DOJ
• David Post, Stern Professor of Law, Temple's Beasley School of Law
• Charles J. Sanders, Counsel, Songwriter's Guild of America
• Sherwin Siy, Staff Attorney and Director, Global Knowledge Initiative, Public Knowledge