Video: William Patry on Internet Metaphors

William Patry, copyright blogger and Senior Copyright Counsel at Google, spoke about "Internet Metaphors and Why we Need to Lose Them." Mr. Patry explained that because judges have absorbed language in which the Internet is described as a "place" you can visit, courts have often come to the wrong conclusion.

Mr. Patry also countered Prof. Werbach's suggestion that Google had "no idea" how to make YouTube profitable. "I don't think we'd pay $1.65 billion dollars ... being clueless about how to [make a profit]." Mr. Patry said the plan for the site was to engage in more licensing deals.

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Video: Kevin Kuzas of Comcast Interactive Media

Kevin Kuzas, VP and General Counsel of Comcast Interactive Media, delivered a keynote address entitled "Copyright Challenges in Internet Video." Mr. Kuzas spoke about the issues faced by those trying to license video for the Internet.

CIM runs Fancast, an Internet video site which hosts content licensed from Viacom and other content providers.

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